With Jesus as our example, we are called to serve. When all of the body is functioning well, much can be accomplished for God’s Kingdom!
Everywhere you look at LON, it seems, there are people serving. We see our pastor and marvel at his tireless dedication! The bus rolls in and we wonder at such a tireless driver! The worship begins and we rejoice in those who share their musical gifts.
Those amazing servants get our attention, but they know it all couldn’t happen without the elders, the teachers, the greeters, the baby sitters, the cookie bringers, the kitchen workers and (for goodness sakes, those who clean up our messes), the vacuumers, and the “garbage bagger” dumpers!
Then, there are those who do the background work of printing, organizing, getting supplies and being on call for whatever calls them, and on and on.
I think you get the point. There are many parts to Christ’s body and there are no small parts!
May God’s Kingdom come as we follow our LIGHT’s example!